Jumat, 05 Juni 2020

Asking and Giving Opinion


Asking Opinion is an expression used to solicit opinions from someone. Giving opinion is giving an opinion to someone.

Asking opinios :

·         What do you think of …                    (Apa pendapatmu tentang …)

·         Is that right (true) that …                   (Apakah itu benar bahwa ..…)

·         Do you think it’s going …                  (Apakah Anda pikir itu akan …)

·         Why do they behave like that?           (Mengapa mereka berperilaku seperti itu?)

·         Do you have any idea?                       (Apakah kamu punya ide?)

·         Please give me your frank opinion.     (Tolong beri saya pendapat jujur Anda.)

·         What’s your opinion?                          (Apa pendapatmu?)

Expressing Opinions :

·         In my opinion, …                                (Menurutku, …)

·         I personally believe …                        (Saya pribadi percaya …)

·         I personally think …                           (Saya pribadi berpikir …)

·         I personally feel                                  (Saya pribadi merasa…)

·         Not everyone will agree with me, but .. (Tdk semua org akan setuju denganku, tapi)

·         To my mind …                                    (menurut pendapat saya)

·         From my point of view…                   (Dari sudut pandang saya..)

·         Well, personally ..                               (Nah, secara pribadi …)

·         If I had my way I would …               (Jika saya punya cara saya saya akan …)

·         What I’m more concerned with is … (Apa yang lebih saya perhatikan adalah..)

·         In my case ..                                        (Dalam kasus saya…)

·         Absolutely …                                      (Benar-benar ….)



Maya : Nafa, do you think that English is difficult lesson?

Nafa : I don’t think so. I think there is no difficult lesson.

Maya : Pardon?

Nafa : Yes, I think if we learn seriously, there is no difficult lesson. It’s depend on our seriously.

Maya : I don’t think so, in my opinion, it’s difficult because I hard to do every tasks that are given by our teacher.

Nafa : According to me, it is because of you are lack of vocabularies. So, try to enrich your vocabulary then.

Maya : Em… I think so. Anyway, English in our class is scheduled at the last class, right?

Nafa : Yes. What do you think about it?

Maya : It’s good. There is no problem about it.

Nafa : I don’t think so. I think if English is in the first class, it will be easier to do the lesson. I am hard to follow that schedule.

Maya : But I think if we learn seriously, there is no hard in it. It’s depend on our seriously.

Nafa : hahaha are you kidding me? That’s my words!

Maya : I think so hahaha



Choose one picture below, make a dialogue about asking and giving opinion based one the picture you have chosen. Then, record it on the voice recorder!


Prambanan Temple


Kota Tua


Record your answer with the format 'Class_Name_Student Number', then submit it to the link below!


To make sure your answer, you can click the link below to see key answer.

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